Standardised solders and tools


The assembly workshop standardised on several solders and manual soldering tools. To make them easily accessible for all technicians at CERN they are made available via the Stores.


Type CERN Stores SCEM Group
Leaded solder for manual assembly (Sn62Pb36Ag2; eutectic 179°C) 29.20.01.FA
Lead-free solder for manual assembly (Sn95.5Ag3.8Cu0.7; eutectic 217°C) 29.20.01.I

Repair tools

Type CERN Stores SCEM Group
Braid dispensers and braid (solder wick) 34.94.04.D
Flux paste in needle dispenser
Liquid flux in jar

Manual soldering irons and tools

Type CERN Stores SCEM Group
Soldering station for assembly and touch up of through-hole and SMD components. No special tips for repair or removal of components available. 34.94.57.A
Soldering station for assembly, touch up and repair of through-hole and SMD components. Special tips for repair or disassembly of components available and upgrades possible with heated pliers and desoldering pumps. 34.94.57.B

How to get advice

If you like to try out the above tools or like to get more information please contact Sylvain Kaufmann.