SLIDAS an S-LINK Infinite Data Source
Errors on the PCB and modifications to be made
ECP 680-1110-500
- Serigraphy
- The labels J1, J2 and J3 are hidden under the connectors themselves.
Move the text "SLIDAS ... http" upwards a little bit. Shrink
the font to fit between LEDs and J5.
- Move C7 away from SW3's serigraphy.
- Positions 8 & 9 of SW4 to be 1 Hz and 0.5 Hz.
- SW5 to SW9: smaller text.
- The text "ERROR" should be above SW5 - SW7.
- Mark pin 1 on J1-J3, Altera side.
- Remove texts "J4" and "1" of the S-LINK connector,
on push button side.
- The units on switch SW3 should be Words and KWords (instead of Bytes
and KBytes).
- Change the frequencies on SW4 (to 40, 20, 10... MHz).
- Serigraphy of LM1 should be on same side as the Altera.
- The sign '+' of C1 should be away from the serigraphy for SW4.
- "Test mode" instead of "test pattern" on SW1.
- Placement of components
- A pin of SW10 is disturbing C12.
- Others
- The component DIGITAST_LED maps incorrectly the schematics symbol to
the layout symbol. (To fix: resolder one end of R90).
- Make LEMO line to be 50 Ohm. Change values of resistors R1 & R2
to 50 Ohm each. Do not populate R2.
- Improve connection of decoupling capacitors to VCC and GND.
- Change type of decoupling capacitors to non-polarised.
CERN - High Speed Interconnect
Philippe Brodier-Yourstone -
11 March 1997 - Copyright